Saturday, February 5, 2011

Five Foods that Suppress Hunger Naturally

In the ongoing dieting saga, many people out there are turning to drastic measures. First up, you have the surgical route. While this can sometimes be effective for people in terms of sucking out fat and/or shrinking down their stomach size, it’s also very expensive and incredibly dangerous.

Then you have the extremely large diet pill industry. This is usually what people will try before surgery. And unfortunately, some who try diet pills can never make it to surgery. They can never make it anywhere, as thousands die every year as a result of taking pills for weight loss.

People will do some crazy things in order to suppress their appetites and lose weight. From surgically shrinking one’s stomach to taking legalized narcotics in order to alter body chemistry to ignore hunger, the methods range from unwise to outright deadly.

If people took time to do a little bit of reading, however, they would find that there are many natural ways in which you can suppress hunger and curb that unruly appetite.
In order to suppress cravings, people can:

* Eat more fiber
* Eat more protein
* Drink tea and/or coffee
* Eat smaller meals more frequently
* Exercise more
* Sleep on a regular pattern
* Eat breakfast daily on a schedule
* Drink a glass of water

And there are many, many more natural tips you can use in order to suppress your appetite and to stop feeling hungry or craving junk every few hours.

When it comes to specific foods you can eat in order to naturally suppress legitimate hunger, there are many out there. All will help you stay fuller for longer, take longer to break down, disperse energy evenly (instead of ups and downs like with sugar), and all are very healthy for you.

Here are just five foods that are easy to find, cheap and that will leave you in total control over your food cravings.
Five Appetite-Suppressing Foods


An apple a day might really keep the doctor away, but it has another amazing ability – it keeps the hunger at bay. When you’re feeling hungry, don’t drive through that burger shack and get the #5 with a large coke. Instead, eat a medium-sized apple. 1 medium apple contains only 70 calories, and it has a lot of fiber in it.

The pectin in an apple will also slow down the rate of which your stomach empties, meaning you will be full and satisfied for longer.


Like all foods with fiber, oatmeal will definitely leave you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. It’s also a complex carb, meaning that it takes a lot longer for your body to break down and thus stabilizes your insulin levels.

Pine Nuts

Pine nuts not only taste great and act as an Italian’s best friend in a pesto sauce, but they’re also packed full of polyunsaturated fats. These fats naturally aid in the secretion of hormones which help to suppress hunger.


Eggs are extremely low in calories. And if you lose the yolk and only use the white, you’re ingesting even fewer calories, less fat, a lot less cholesterol, and you’re still receiving 100% of the hunger-suppressing qualities of the protein. The protein in eggs helps your body to release a peptide called PYY, which naturally helps suppress hunger.


Another “nut” on the list, eating almonds is a great way to suppress your hunger. Pound for pound, nuts are very high in fat and have a lot of calories. But don’t fret; almonds are high in monounsaturated (good) fats, meaning they’re actually good for you! They’re also very high in fiber and protein, which will help you stay full. Almonds take longer to break down due to their protein content


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